Friday, 15 February 2008

Plastic ID cards win for Facebook Campaign

The University of Greenwich will finally change the much-ridiculed paper Identity Cards to proper plastic ones from September 2008. The decision comes after the Facebook group 'Campaign For Decent Greenwich ID Cards' came to the attention of university hierarchy. Containing 812 members, the group quickly became a hotbed for anger, frustration and jokes about the ID card.

Students were informed of the decision first via the group and soon after by SU President Virender Choudhary who sent a all-student email. Oddly, he made no mention of the (completely independent) facebook group, saying "You asked whether the University could replace the
laminated paper ‘Resource Card’ with something more
substantial and less ‘tacky’. Today the University
advised me that, as of September this year, it will be
issuing proper ‘credit card’ style Resource Cards."

The figureheads of the Facebook campaign, Telescope editors Ben Wraith and Chris Williams were also involved in the 'Motiongate' controversy, where the SU rejected Mr Wraith's Motions for this year's AGM. Mr Wraith, in a message to all members, reasoned that "Students moaning in the Satisfaction Survey, the efforts of Karen Adomako in the SU and, probably decisively, the ranting on this group" all contributed to the final success.

A senior university figure' informed Mr Wraith that the card would be "plastic...have colour printing" with the possibility of uploading personal photos. In the future "Smart card payment facilities" (like the oyster card) would be a "distinct possibility". Ben Wraith first wrote of hs ideas for ID cards in his well regarded blog 'Greenwich Ideas'. Ben Wraith and Chris Williams, will continue their campaigning, running as candidates in the Student Union elections this year. It is hoped by many that this ID card success will increase appetite amongst students for making more changes in the University. The elections (March 3-6) will hope for a big turnout.

On the group wall, Magdalena Pryjmak encapsulated the feeling of all campaigners (even those who are about to graduate, in a post, screaming "WE'VE GOT IT!!".

Campaign for a decent ID card Facebook group